Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wisdom teeth extraction questions.?

I am 16 years old and have had all four of my wisdom teeth come up. (my dentist says that it is unusual to have them all come up at my age). I have had braces for almost 3 years and atm have great oral health and my teeth look perfectly straight. ( i think i have beautiful teeth). I recently had a pan x-ray and my dentist said my wisdom teeth would be easy to remove.

I really want to get my wisdom teeth extracted because my lower and upper jaw feel crowded; just those 2 extra teeth on both levels feel like i have 50% more teeth. Also, they are a pain to floss. However, they are not causing real problems with my mouth at all, i just willingly want them pulled. Is this okay? Is it safe to have all 4 done at once?

So if i get these teeth extracted, will my teeth shift at all? I REALLY do not want to wear braces more. I have had them off for nearly 3 years now and try to wear my retainer as much as possible. I also have a lower permanent retainer behind my front four teeth

Wisdom teeth extraction questions.?
Do not take this type of advice from a site like this!!! Talk to your dentist and orthodontist, they will give you the best advice for your situation. You should, also, talk to your oral surgeon before any procedure is done to see if he is in agreement with the other 2 doctors. They will be able to answer your questions knowledgably and help you to make the best decision for you. Good luck and I hope things work out the way you want.
Reply:I would also have them removed. The thing is most people do. They really serve no purpose.

I was told by my dentist that I needed all 4 out bc I had no room in my mouth for them (which is VERY common in patients). I pretty much was like yeah whatever bc I hate dentist but literally a few weeks later I ended up having slight discomfort in my mouth and when I woke up the next day my bottom teeth had shifted! I made an appointment the next day to get them out. Now my experience with removal was difficult but they were also impacted (which I think means they had to drill through your bone to actually get them out).

For you it should be as easy as extracting any molar which shouldn%26#039;t hurt. If I went through 3 years with braces I would not risk it. However you should def. talk to your regular dentist and orthodontist to see if they have any concerns about the teeht shifting.

I actually have always had problems with my mouth. When I was 10 I had an expander. And although I needed braces bc of the pain I felt from the expander I begged my mom to let me wait on braces - biggest regret. Now I%26#039;m 24 and looking into them. My teeth aren%26#039;t bad but I have a bit of bottom crowding thanks to the wisdom teeth. Now I have 2 molars up top that have shifted forward and are bugging me like crazy. So I too am thinking about voluntarily having them removed for comfort reasons.....hey it%26#039;s our mouths we should be able to make the final decision.

good luck


car makes

Teeth extracted vs. expansion surgery?

I just went to my ortho and found out that I need to fix a crossbite. My Ortho says I%26#039;m too old (29) and braces alone won%26#039;t fix it. The bone is too hard now so he will either have to extract the tooth and the matching tooth on the other side or I%26#039;d have to go to an oral surgeon and have expansion surgery to fix the bone. I%26#039;d be able to keep all my teeth with the surgery. I also lost a couple of teeth in the very back bottom part of my mouth when I was really young. I never had it fixed so now my teeth are spread apart and it seems to be getting worse. So the ortho said I could either have those bottom teeth pulled forward or I could get implants.So should I get the implants and surgery (option 1) or should I get my teeth extracted (top teeth) and the bottom teeth pulled forward with the use of braces (option 2)

Option 1 will cost $15000

Option 2 will cost $3000

I don%26#039;t care about the cost. I just want to know what you would do...Thank you so much


Teeth extracted vs. expansion surgery?
Your dentist sounds state of the art, and has your best interests in mind.

Do not base your decision on money. You are going to use your mouth for the rest of your life and 15 thousand dollars is less than the price of a car, which you would use for only about 5 years. Keep a perspective on it.

Ask your dentist what he or she would do and then you will have the optimal treatment option.

PS. As a former dental practice manager and consultant in high end cosmetic and restorative dentistry, I would go with option 1 because it is the goal to retain all of your teeth for as long as possible. Losing even one tooth will effect all the rest of your teeth (as you have learned from experience) and will create its own set of problems down the road. The potential down the road problems may be just as complex, time consuming and expensive as the preventive measure suggested by your dentist.

Also, a dentist won%26#039;t just suggest the most expensive option, if he believes your teeth and bite are not worth the effort or the expense then he will say so.
Reply:Option 2.
Reply:it makes no sense to go through the pain and cost of option one when you can do option two. NEVER forget that surgery always comes with a risk!!


Teeth Problem?

Okay so my sister has a couple of teeth problems. So my mom wants to know how much it will cost us to get her teeth fixed so lets start

She has one crooked tooth

She has a overbite

Chipped Teeth

Buck Teeth

She also wants to get her teeth bleached

So what my mom wants to know how much each of the things will cost and if our insurance wil lcover it (we have neighbor hood healthcare)

Now my mom said t hat she has heard from somewhere that you can get buck teeth cut so if my sister decides to do that will it help with the chipped tooth too. Now does she need braces for one crooked tooth and if so for how long. Can braces fix a overbite and if so how long does it take if not what can

Teeth Problem?
I really don%26#039;t know what insurance you are on to help you and see how much it will cost. Your best bet is to call your insurance to see what they all cover. good luck!!
Reply:Why not just go to the dentist and ask these questions? Because dentists in different areas charge different prices.
Reply:She will have to get braces. Commercial tooth whiteners use hydrogen peroxide and are expensive and inconvenient. A cheap and natural tooth whitening home remedy uses few strawberries but certain precautions have to be taken. I found the information at


Adult with 16 Baby Teeth - No Widsom Teeth Yet - 23 Years Old - Any Connection? Normal?

As a child I was a bit older than the rest of the student in my class to lose my first baby tooth. I was 6, not too unusual, but keep reading.

I was 11 the last time I lost a baby tooth. It was one next to my K9 teeth. All my teeth from my K9 teeth back are still baby teeth (exception of the 12 year molars.)

I have been going to the dentist every 6 months since I was 12. Never had a cavity. I also had braces.

Several years ago I had an full mouth X-Ray and the adult teeth showed up on it below my gum. Also on the X-Ray it showed my 3 wisdom teeth (1 missing which is common). One is impacted, two others were growing fine. The orthodontist said they would be coming in %26quot;soon%26quot;. That was five years ago.

I%26#039;m now 23, more baby teeth in my mouth than adult one, and three missing wisdom teeth.

Could this all in connected? Late adult teeth grown and late wisdom teeth growth.

Also, if I were to lose one of the baby teeth for whatever reason, would it still be replaced with an adult one?

Adult with 16 Baby Teeth - No Widsom Teeth Yet - 23 Years Old - Any Connection? Normal?
yes i am nearly postive the baby teeth would be replaced with adult teeth.

i reccomend asking a Dentist about it though. its a rather strange situation.

here is what i found:

As you approach your late teens your jawbone has grown to nearly its adult size. Often the adult size is still not large enough to accommodate the developing wisdom teeth. In this case, your teeth become trapped in the bone and grow wherever they can. As the tooth grows, it may remain completely covered by bone or may partially break through the gum exposing the crown (or chewing surface) of the tooth. As the tooth continues to develop, so do the roots associated with the tooth. The tooth%26#039;s roots hold the tooth in place. They may become misshapen or extend dangerously close to the nerve located in the jaw or to a sinus cavity.

check out this website and others too:

ps. floss =)
Reply:Perhaps you are one of the lucky people who will never grow up. SOunds like you have been living a very healthy lifestyle so far. I would check with an orthodontist to find out if everything is going as planned. Good luck


Reply:you need to take an OPG or panoramic X ray to see where your permanent teeth is, if it is present or absent?

Congenital deformities can cause these. Need to go for implants or dentures if permanent teeth not present.


Removing wisdom teeth, should I? Urgent, I have an appointment in 3 hours! Please advise!!?

I have an appointment with a dentist at 6:30 tonight, in 3 hours for upper jaw wisdom tooth removal.

My upper jaw wisdom teeth came out quite recently (half of them are out) and they%26#039;re not causing any problems except:

as they%26#039;re growing they%26#039;re pushing my two front teeth on top of each other which has already caused caries (because the part of my gum between my front teeth frequently bleeds because they%26#039;re so close together) and well it doesnt look nice having one tooth on top of the other. It%26#039;s not severe yet so I%26#039;ve been advised by a dentist to get my wisdom teeth removed and give the front teeth time to see if they move back and spread out like they were before.

Also, my dentist hasn%26#039;t done an X-Ray of my teeth before removal. Should he?

But, on the other hand, I have been told not to remove wisdom teeth if they%26#039;re perfectly healthy. Other people tell me it%26#039;s best to get braces for my front teeth but not touch my wisdom teeth.

Can anyone advise what to do?

Removing wisdom teeth, should I? Urgent, I have an appointment in 3 hours! Please advise!!?
Didn%26#039;t you get a few opinions from a few dentists? Remember an MD doesn%26#039;t make them God. They need to pay the bills too. Always get a second opinion!
Reply:Remove them!
Reply:take dem%26#039; B*tches out!
Reply:i would ask if it is necessary for an exray and then go ahead and have it done. I would.
Reply:i think you should just let the dentist get on with it and you do something in the meantime like play on games.
Reply:Your wisdom teeth need to come out or they could become impacted and really cause you trouble. Sounds like you have trouble already. Get them out. You don%26#039;t need them for chewing anyway.
Reply:I would get them removed. I had dentists tell me that I didn%26#039;t need to worry about getting my wisdom teeth removed when I was younger if I didn%26#039;t want to. Around 19-20, my wisdom teeth were growing so crooked that pretty much all of my other teeth were getting pushed into each other making them all crooked. Finally I got all four removed and my other teeth are doing okay although I have somewhat messed up looking teeth which could have been avoided if my dentist had ordered me to get my wisdom teeth removed instead of saying what he did.
Reply:get all wisdom-teeth removed before age of 30,thats best,one by one.The younger you are the less complications....after all are out please get some advise about braces.THE doctor should take x-ray BEFORE and after surgery,ok.
Reply:I got my wisdom teeth taken out about a week and 1/2 ago.... i think that its a good idea to ask your dentist and get x-rays , they might cause pain later on if there isnt enough room for theme, if your not in pain now, then maybe you could wait, see if you ever get pain and ask your dentist if they would mess up your front teeth to much, if theres a possibility then you can do braces or surgery, which ever you feel better about, the surgery would be short and the braces might take a little longer
Reply:If your wisdom teeth are pressing on and starting to squish other teeth then they need to be removed. My wisdom teeth were perfectly healthy too, but they were pushing on my other teeth and making them crooked, so I had them removed.
Reply:Yes. You have to remove them, if they are moving your teeth. It doesn%26#039;t matter how healthy they are. You obviously don%26#039;t have enough room for them to fit in your mouth, that is why your teeth are moving. Remember, when talking to someone, the first thing people see is teeth, so take care of them.
Reply:Get them out!!! i had 3 taken out and then i was so scared that i let the last one in, it didnt bother me for the last 6 the dentist took the root out of the thooth right next to the wisdom theeth and all that made the wisdom thooth %26quot;wake up%26quot; and now my whole left side of my mouth hurts and i hope i get somehow over the weekend with medication, i want the doctor to take it out asap next week. so yeah, listen to your doc, get it over with now and you dont have to worry about them bothering you in the future!
Reply:You should always have your wisdom teeth removed because they will cause your teeth to shirt and move as you already know and they are so far back that it is very hard to keep them clean so they can decay very easy. Your mouth is not big enough to support the wisdom teeth because if they were then your other teeth would not be moving like they are. And yes, your dentist should take an x-ray of the wisdom teeth to make sure he can remove them or he needs to send you to an oral surgeon to have them removed.
Reply:if they are pushing your front teeth together then yes! you should get them taken out, regardless of if they are bothering you or not. i have the same problem, i had the bottom ones taken out about 3 years ago now and that was painless. but now they want the top ones out. so yeah, get them done and your teeth will return to normal...hopefully without the use of braces. =)

performing arts

Why didn't this tooth grow back? and why are teeth so freak** annoying?

i went to a dentist 6 months ago and he had to pull out a baby tooth because it was holding back the permanent tooth which was starting to grow crooked because of the baby tooth pushing it back; now my dentist pulled out this teeth and he said it would grow in about 4 months , it has been 2 months later now, and stil no sign of the permanent tooth growing, why wont it come out? ps: i%26#039;m 14 years old, why are teeth such harsh things i always have to watch if when a tooth comes out hoping its not a permanent one, when i clash somewhere with my head a peace of teeth fell out making me more unattractive, sometimes they hurt a lot when i touched them or when i have hadaches, djee why are tooth so anoying and when wil this tooth that was suposed to have been there 2 months ago come? damn annoying teeth, i hate them! And why wont permanent teeth who fel out grow back, missing a tooth seems like missing something of yourself you will never get back. why is nature so hard on us?

Why didn%26#039;t this tooth grow back? and why are teeth so freak** annoying?
Are you from another planet or just lost in the shuffle of life?

Relax my friend, your teeth are not your enemy and neither is your dentist.

Stop being a victim and start enjoying life as a teenager.
Reply:I think you are stressing out a little bit too much to be only 14 years old. Be lucky that you are not in your late 20%26#039;s with 2 baby teeth. I have to get one pulled and replace it with a bridge since nothing is underneath the teeth. This will cost me upwards of 1500 to 2000 dollars per tooth
Reply:Sometimes it takes awhile for the teeth to erupt. It should have been one of your last baby teeth so relax it will be over soon.
Reply:Johnny, at age 14 you shouldn%26#039;t have too many more primary teeth to lose. Hopefully, your permanent teeth won%26#039;t spontaneously fall out. It would be great if the permanent teeth would grow back-it happens in some animals like sharks and alligators who have a seemingly endless supply of extras-but then that would put nice dentists like me out of the crown and bridge business. Your teeth are uniquely designed with an outer coating of enamel that is the hardest substance in the body. The tooth that was delayed in coming in should have come in when you were 12--it%26#039;s not surprising that it%26#039;s a little slow even with the baby tooth out of the way. Please be patient and take good care of your teeth. Dentures are a good replacement for nothing.

hair talk

Back of tooth 8,9 were polished by dentist I had braces from 5/01 till 8/03 teeth feel cold is dentin exposed?

Hi I am 24. Been told recently the appearence of my teeth are very good. I was 23 when this polising took place on 11/5/2007. In 10/2007, I developed a lot of sensitivity to pressure on tooth 8, 9 right around the time I finished using crest whitestrips. I got stressed around this time and started clenching and biting my tongue really hard and well long story short my teeth hurt by mid october and when I would bite down teeth would strike down on the bottom teeth and they would hurt bad and it would feel like teeth were loose. Well I went to this new dentist and he polished the back of tooth 8 and 9 a little and after he did that they were no longer striking and the teeth healed in a day or 2! the teeth only slightly feel sensitive to pressure like when I take my retainer off in the AM. Can this procedure be reversed? I have no crowns at all or fillings except for fillings on molars. PS, Ive always had most pressure on left of mouth therefore teeth on left show signs of wear.

Back of tooth 8,9 were polished by dentist I had braces from 5/01 till 8/03 teeth feel cold is dentin exposed?
It sounds like you were given correct treatment by your dentist. I myself have a similar issue -- sensitivity on my many of my anterior teeth from occlusal equilibration after braces. The dentin is not necessarily exposed, but it can still be sensitive from thinner enamel. From what I understand of your case, I don%26#039;t know of any other easy options besides adjusting (%26quot;polishing%26quot;) the teeth. You could have gone back into braces, e.g. I would be comfortable asking your current dentist for advice.

The procedure cannot be reversed, because then you would be back to the problem of too much pressure on your front teeth (which will cause bone loss over time...if not adjusted you would likely lose the teeth).

My advice would be to start using Sensodyne toothpaste. You need to use it consistently for about 2-3 weeks before you will notice results.

If this was not sufficient, ask your dentist about SootheRX, a relatively new paste for this kind of thing. I have not personally prescribed it yet...though I may soon.

If all that is not sufficient, you may need to get crowns on the front teeth or possibly just tooth colored fillings to decrease the sensitivity.

If I were you, I would have a new retainer made to the way your teeth are after a few days without a retainer, because it sounds like your old retainer is pushing the teeth back into heavy occlusion (bad). Ask the dentist.

Lastly, no more bleaching as this can sensitize already sensitive teeth.

Best wishes.

small business

Teeth problem :o( :o( please help?

I am a 15 year old girl

I brush my teeth 2 times every single day, and I floss as well.

I have had 5 cavities, so I have 5 fillings in my teeth.

They are all silver fillings, and they are really visible when I am smiling and laughing. people always comment my teeth and say things like: %26quot;oh, you have a lot of cavities%26quot; and so on.

I HATE my fillings :( :( :(

Today, I was eating some ice cream, and one of my teeth started to hurt a lot. I looked at it in the mirror, and noticed that there was a black hole in the tooth. I looked at my other teeth also, just to check them, and I noticed that 6 of my teeth looked like the one, which hurts. Do you think they need to get them filled? I really dont want more silver fillings :( :( :( :(

At the same time, my teeth are really crocket!! I HATE my teeth: they are crocet, and they got a lot of silver fillings, and they hurt! Please help me. What can I do?

Teeth problem :o( :o( please help?
I am sorry to say that if your teeth have black holes in them, then yes they will require a filling. If you don%26#039;t get the treatment the teeth will just get worse and then you will end up needing root canals and crowns. But, you can request a composite filling, which is tooth colored. It blends in so well no one will be able to tell you even have it, and you could also have your old silver fillings replaced with the composite ones. If your current dentist doesn%26#039;t offer composites then ask your parents about finding one that does, and tell them your complaints. As far as your teeth being crooked (I guess that is what you meant by %26quot;crocket%26quot;? then you will require orthodontics (braces) to fix them. It may not sound like fun but will be worth it to make you happy with your teeth. After all, you plan on keeping them a long time! Good luck. Mail me if you have any more questions, I am a dental assistant and can probably answer them.
Reply:ask your dentist for a more natural looking filling (white) and ask about getting braces or invisaline for the crooked problem.

Good job brushing and flossing! keep that up and talk to you dentist about any other problems you may have with your teeth!
Reply:I would go to your dentist as soon as you can get an appointment I would also start brushing your teeth whenever you can after you eat.
Reply:Do you drink soda and sugary things? I%26#039;ve heard that even if you brush and floss regularly, they can rot teeth.

But I%26#039;d see your dentist, because it could be something more serious than anyone on here will know about.

Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.
Reply:If you have that many cavities even with flossing %26amp; brushing, you are eating too much JUNK. Sugary sweet food causes cavities, so eat it rarely.

Talk to the dentist about white colored fillings, and also braces.
Reply:have your dentist check to tooth that is bothering you. your fillings are called amalgam. you can have them replaced with composite fillings (white), however most insurances will not pay to have them replaced unless there is decay or some other problem with the tooth. so it will all be out of pocket expense for the patient. it would probably cost somewhere between $100-$250 per tooth. in addition to brushing and flossing, use act mouth rinse.
Reply:If you have discovered what appears to be holes in your teeth, then yes, you need to be seen by a dentist right away; especially if you are experiencing discomfort with them.

Teeth do not heal up on their own and will only get worse with time.

Ask the dentist to use composite to fill your teeth--It is the tooth colored filling material.

After you have your teeth restored to health ask the dentist to refer you to an Orthodontist who can evaluate the need for braces to straighten your teeth.




The tooth that hurts and has a black hole in it definitely sounds like it has a cavity and needs a filling in it, sorry. The other ones that look the same - well if they have actual HOLES in them then yes, they definitely will also need fillings, but if they just have black lines in the grooves of the teeth then it MIGHT just be staining, in which case they won%26#039;t need fillings, they just need to be professionally cleaned by your dentist.

Anyway, if you%26#039;re having pain in one of your teeth you need to get a dentist appointment as soon as possible - it won%26#039;t go away, it will only get worse, and then the filling will be bigger and look worse.

What other people have said about white fillings is true, you can get white fillings in your teeth that no-one will be able to notice, but they cost a lot more than silver fillings, so it depends whether your parents are prepared to pay for them. Maybe you should ask your dentist about getting sealants put on your remaining healthy teeth to stop them developing cavities.

Good luck, but you really have to go to the dentist, sorry!
Reply:i think yes you do get filling you can listen some music or ipod or talk to your dentist something.

makeup games

Loose Baby Teeth with braces on. PLEASE HELP!?

I have had braces for about 2months now. All my molars are from young and i still have a front baby teeth. My dentist said that i have no adult teeth under my remaining baby teeth-at all. So i have a couple of random gaps. I have a baby teeth on my third teeth from the top middle and have a missing teeth on the second teeth the other side if it makes sense.

Now with braces to get rid of the gaps, it feels like my baby teeth is going to fall out (it feels loose?) I%26#039;m worried and i don%26#039;t know what to do if it falls out as it seems like the other teeth are pushing it out so that it is more protruding compared to all my other teeth.

Do all baby teeth have to fall out even without the adult teeth under it?? What will i do if it does fall out as i have my braces on!?! Would it mean that they will have to push my molars to the front?

thanks in advance!!

Loose Baby Teeth with braces on. PLEASE HELP!?
If the baby tooth is loose, it usually has to come out, I wouldn%26#039;t worry too much, since you are under the care of an orthodontist, and he should have plans to fix this situation anyway.

you have 2 options for treatment after losing this tooth, it%26#039;s either your orthodontist closes the gap by bringing the teeth forward, if he thinks is aesthetically appealing, or leave a space in the place of the missing tooth, and plan on restoring it with an Implant or a bridge later.

ask your orthodontist what he thinks the best option for you.
Reply:First can I say teeth is the plural form of tooth. That being said, If you have no adult teeth under your baby teeth then it should be fine. yes all your teeth will be pushed forward to replace the gap, and yes all of your baby teeth have to fall out.
Reply:Speak with your orthodontist if you%26#039;re worried.I remember when I had braces my teeth felt like that sometimes with all that pressure. I%26#039;m pretty sure you wouldn%26#039;t have any more baby teeth, as orthodontists won%26#039;t put braces on you if you do.

I wouldn%26#039;t worry, your teeth are shifting all over the place, so it%26#039;s going to feel weird.

Worst comes to worst and they are loose, there are many ways of replacing teeth, i%26#039;ve got an implant, best thing I ever did!

But i%26#039;m sure your teeth aren%26#039;t falling out hun.
Reply:If the tooth has a braces thing on it, it will not come out... it will out of your gum... I had a loose tooth when i had my braces... the dentist took it out... it seems like he cut the wires, pulled the tooth, then redid the wires... but it was a LONG time ago... like 8 or 9 years so it is hard to remember...

hair tips

No Adult teeth!!!?

Ok....i%26#039;m 29 now and I was born with no adult teeth. So teeth which i had removed as a child there are now just gum. I was told at 25 that I HAVE no adult teeth, even though my Wisdom teeth grew through. I%26#039;ve had them removed too. Now i have no top or bottom back (chewing) teeth. All the teeth in my mouth now are still my milk teeth.

My friend suggested to me today I may have what%26#039;s called crumbling of the teeth?

Has anyone heard of this? Can i do anything to help my teeth last aslong as possible?

I have always looked after my teeth, brushing everyday and flossing. I use toothpaste for sensitive teeth as i%26#039;ve always had problems with hot and cold. I%26#039;ve always suffered with my teeth.

Am i lacking in something? I only have 13 teeth left in my mouth and im currently waiting to see my dentist but i cant get an earlier appointment, i%26#039;ve tried. I take Vit C, Zinc and Iron tablets everyday. I always eat properly and drink plenty of fluids.

No Adult teeth!!!?
Baby teeth eventually are going to fall out and it is unknown when yours will all fall out.

Sounds like you are doing everything in your power to keep them healthy and clean and in your mouth.

What is more disturbing is why you are born without these adult teeth--- check w/your medical doctor. There are genetic defects that cause this to happen and you should have all the facts in front of you so that you are also aware of other areas of your body that might be affected by this genetic disorder.

Sorry to hear that you have had your wisdom teeth extracted as your might have been able to have these teeth as the anchors that hold onto your dental partials, dentures and or implant dentures.

At this point-- find a comprehensive dentist that can rebuild your smile with permanent teeth that you can chew your food with properly-- as this is important for your nutrition.
Reply:Not to be discouraging but i think you may be fighting a losing battle. Deciduous teeth are only evolved to survive in the mouth for a period of years and so won%26#039;t last as long as permanent teeth. Keep up looking after them and at least you can make them last longer than they otherwise would. After that you could always try implants with a denture which would look natural enough and should work ok.
Reply:I didn%26#039;t have any adult teeth either. As I loose my teeth, they are baby teeth. All the top ones are gone now, I have 8 left on the bottom front, as of tomorrow I will have 7 left. Yep they are pulling one tomorrow. I do wear an upper full plate and that is it. I did wear a partial on the lower but will never do that again or even suggest any body to get one, as they will wear out the teeth that they are connected to. Good luck with yours, I am 50.
Reply:My 13 year old daughter was born without one of her adult teeth. She is hanging on to the baby tooth that is still there as carefully as she can as it is a front tooth. Don%26#039;t really have the answers for you, just wanted you to know there are other people out there that deal with that as well.

interest rate

My 1 year olds teeth is growing weird.?

My daughter%26#039;s two front teeth have grown. Now the two side teeth is growing next to the two front teeth. But it seems as tho its not growing straight. it looks like the two front teeth are sticking out a little %26amp; that the two side teeth are growing behind it. It hasnt fully grown yet but the white of the teeth can be seen. Ive never seen a baby with crooked teeth. Why is her sides teeth growing behind it? Thats how my teeth are %26amp; it looks really horrible. Is it possible that its genetic?!? i dont want her having my teeth. i know its her baby teeth and all. Is her teeth growing like that becuase we let her use the pacifier a lot? Ahh.. sorry it just sucks that it seems like her front teeth are sticking out. Its an embarresment for me to have my teeth like that %26amp; i didnt want my daughter%26#039;s baby teeth growing like that either.....

My 1 year olds teeth is growing weird.?
When other teeth come out it will give room for the others to straighten out. She could have a lot of crowding and that is why they come out that way. Her mouth has a lot of growing to do. One of my daughters still had crocked bottom teeth when she was 11. I took her to the dentist and he said she doesn%26#039;t need braces. They are straightening out on their own, she is 16 now.
Reply:Their teeth tend to straighten each other out as more come in.
Reply:send the pacie to the fairies my baby girl had that problem too but when the pacifier went away her teeth straightened you could also ask her doctor.
Reply:I think a lot of children%26#039;s teeth grow crooked. My daughter is two and when she was born she already had her two bottom teeth. Now she has all of her teeth and are full grown but the two she had since birth are smaller, crooked and really yellow. I think that when the other teeth were growing out and not the first two that the other teeth were pushing the two middle ones and causing them to become crooked. Anyway, you can take her to the dentist already to have an exam if you haven%26#039;t already. They will check all of her teeth and let you know if there is anything wrong.
Reply:No pacifier here, but my daughter%26#039;s teeth are crooked too. It could be genetics . . . my baby teeth were crooked too. But, they say the way the baby teeth are situated are not necessarily how the permanent teeth will be. My sister had beautiful baby teeth and ended up with more crooked permanent teeth than mine! If anything, make sure she gets good teeth brushing habits early on and keep those teeth healthy - that%26#039;s the important part!
Reply:it couldbe the pacifier but its usually genetic. my nephew ha really crooked teeth bt hopefully they will grow back in as normal adult teeth.
Reply:Yes it IS genetic. It%26#039;s not the pacifier. I have a friend who is a pediatric dentist and he does not advocate getting rid of a pacifier because of the fear of mis aligned teeth...he says a pacifier can NOT do that kind of %26quot;damage%26quot; on it%26#039;s own. If you look back at family photos, even family who were long gone when YOU were born, check their mouths. Any problems they had are ALL genetic. I had a pacifier as a baby, so did my sister, we also sucked our fingers (I still do when I%26#039;m really sick...or have had too much to drink) Neither her nor I needed any corrective measures to our teeth other than the two crowns I have in front due to a school yard accident. Conversely my two step sisters suffered from bucked teeth and had to wear braces for four years and they never had pacifiers, never were allowed to suck a thumb or fingers...But their maternal grand mother had teeth so bucked she couldn%26#039;t close her mouth...GENETICS.
Reply:You need to take the pacifier away. That will prevent the other teeth to come in crooked as well.
Reply:It may be due to the pacifier but your child%26#039;s teeth are definitely genetic. Every little detail of your child comes from her parents. That doesn%26#039;t mean her teeth will always be crooked. Try taking the passy away and you may be surprised. Baby teeth have a way of fixing themselves.
Reply:i would better ask a doc.
Reply:Hi they are just her first teeth so don%26#039;t worry to much even if you get rid of her dummy(pacifier I%26#039;m from England) they may not straighten out i have 4 children an there second teeth are not the same as there first, you can get dummy%26#039;s from advent they are not round, my kids have all had them an there teeth are nice, to take her dummy away so young would upset her, change her dummy%26#039;s an make sure you have rid of them before her second teeth come through,
Reply:that means that she has diebetes really the same thing happened to my daugheter im just kidding it`s tha paciefier its all ways the p
Reply:ask a dentist
Reply:only time will tell, once she gets her pernament teeth, no good dentist will put braces on a babies baby teeth.

I would think it is genetic... unless she has a mouth or palette defect.

if your worried go to the dentist but you will still have to wait till she gets her pernament teeth to fix them.

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Wisdom teeth causes crowding is a myth?

My cousin brother came to my house yesterday and he is a dentist. I have been very worried about getting my teeth removed because I was happy getting my pre molars removed, but I did not want to misdom teeth touched, however many people on this site have said that if you get your bicuspids removed for braces, wisdom teeth removal is also a certainty.

He told me that wisdom teeth do not actually contribute to crowding of the teeth and if you have had braces and then your wisdom teeth come out, your teeth do not go bent again because of the wisdom teeth. He told me that most people do not see the purpose of retainers and they do not wear them as instructed, therefore they teeth move back into there usual position.

I have to trust my cousin because he is a dentist, but has anyone had there wisdom teeth mishaping the rest of there teeth after braces?

Wisdom teeth causes crowding is a myth?
Your cousin is correct. Wisdom teeth do not cause crowding of front teeth, and should not be removed for this reason. However, they should be extracted if there is a possibility of localised infection or decay around the wisdom teeth.

I have seen plenty of people with impacted wisdom teeth but gaps between their front teeth.

Later, ... to the contributors below:

Lower anterior teeth have an inbuilt tendency for overlapping and crowding even in the absence of wisdom teeth. Following on from this assertion, if you have your wisdoms out, and don%26#039;t wear your retainers, then your lower front teeth will crowd up anyway. Try it and see.
Reply:It happened to me. After I got my braces off, my wisdom teeth came in and started pushing them together, but the damage isn%26#039;t much. I don%26#039;t need braces again, so that%26#039;s a major relief.
Reply:I think it depends on the individuals situation. For me, I had braces for 3 years, got them off when I was 18 and then about 8 months later my %26quot;wisdom teeth%26quot; started to erupt. As they erupted, they moved my lower anterior teeth and as a result my lingual arch wire popped off. I then had to get my %26quot;wisdom teeth%26quot; removed because I did not have enough room in my oral cavity.

Since I had no dental insurance at the time I never went to the orthodontist to get another wire put back on. My lower anterior teeth are now slightly out of alignment, but not too bad.
Reply:Your cousin is right about people that do not wear their retainers. But if your wisdom teeth do not have the room to come in they will push your teeth and you will get crowding. This mostly happens on the lower anteriors because they are small and the roots are too. If you had ortho in the past you really should have your wisdom teeth extracted if you don%26#039;t have the room or if your dentist recommends it after looking at a panoramic x-ray. I know, knowone wants to go through that but you don%26#039;t want to ruin your beautiful smile.

theater acting

Tooth extraction - chances of teeth shifting??

I broke my tooth a few weeks back (it is the very last one on my top right side). I went to the dentist who said I can have a root canal and get a filling, and eventually a crown if I choose, or have the tooth extracted. I currently do not have dental insurance, and will not have it until February. The root canal and filling will cost me a lot more than the extraction, but I%26#039;m concerned that if I get my tooth pulled, my other teeth will shift, causing a gap in my teeth. Has anyone had a tooth pulled on the top of their mouth and had their teeth shift? I know keeping my teeth is the best option, but it%26#039;s the very last one and will not be noticeable...but I do not want any gaps in my teeth either! What are the chances this will happen?? Thanks in advance.

Tooth extraction - chances of teeth shifting??
Yes over time your teeth will move. Any time you have a tooth pulled this will happen. The tooth below will move up until it has something to touch and the tooth in front of that will move as well. The dentist does not tell people to keep there teeth just because he wants to make more money. He is telling you this because it is the best thing to do to keep your teeth looking the way they are. I understand how hard it is when you don%26#039;t have any insurance to cover anything but you should talk to your dental office about a payment plan so you don%26#039;t have to get your tooth extracted. Most offices are willing to work with you. Good Luck with whatever you choose to have done.
Reply:To find out about impacted teeth, prophylactic wisdom tooth surgery, general tooth extraction (inlcuding adjacent tooth shifts), and dental implants in Australia, go to
Reply:your teeth will definitely shift but not so much as to cause a gap.

from what you describe, it sounds like the extraction is your better bet.

Plant question

Kitten teeth?

My kitten is about 6 -7 months old. And his lower left pointer tooth (one of the two sharper teeth on the bottom), the adult tooth has grown in without the baby tooth falling out, and the baby tooth isn%26#039;t even loose, it%26#039;s just infront of the now prominent adult tooth, This is the only tooth that has done this, the rest of his teeth are all adult teeth and have been for about 3 weeks. What should I do? I know the teeth usually take care of themselves, but will this baby tooth fall out on it%26#039;s own?

Kitten teeth?
This is NOT a big problem and trust me MOST owners never even know that the kitten gets his adult teeth at this stage in life. . .It is not an emergency -- your cat wil be fine. . . It will fall out eventually WITHOUT pulling it, either if you have them do it when he gets neutered or not -- it will not stay in forever. No biggie . . .and if you find it -- leave it for the tooth fairy!!
Reply:It may have to be pulled. I think you can wait for a few weeks to see if falls out on its own. Is he neutered yet? It is time for that for sure and the vet can take a look at it when he goes in.
Reply:Just like humans, cats have 2 sets of teeth. The first set is called the milk teeth or deciduous teeth and they start to come in when the kitten is about 4 weeks old. They continue to come in until all 26 milk teeth have appeared, usually by 6 weeks. These teeth are non-permanent and they begin to fall out from 11 weeks until 30 weeks. This is a time which is similar to teething in human babies, so the kitten may have sore gums, may do a bit of complaining and may eat less due to pain. During the time when the milk teeth are falling out, new permanent teeth are coming in until all 30 of them have developed and have replaced the milk teeth usually by 8-9 months. A vet visit should be done at this time to make sure all the teeth have come in properly. Occasionally, 1 or more of the milk teeth don%26#039;t fall out, or extra teeth are present. This can cause gum and tissue problems due to the crowding of teeth in the mouth. Behavioral problems may also occur due to the fact that the cat is in pain. Seek veterinary care if this is the case with your cat.
Reply:They usually do fall out on their own but if something doesnt happen soon I would take the cat to the vet. They will definitely know what to do and all veterinary hospitals are getting really big into dental work so Im sure they will help the tooth along lol.
Reply:the vet may have to pull it if it does not eventually fall out on it%26#039;s own. A good time to do this would be when you get him neutered so they can easily remove it while he is anesthetized for his surgery.

celebrity makeup

Should I have three teeth pulled or only two?

My othodontist say I should have three permanet teeth removed (2 teeth on top one from each side and one on the bottom right) but I counted all my teeth and I have a total of 26 , still waiting for wisdom teeth. On the left side of my mouth, top and bottom I have 6 teeth and on the right side of my mouth top and bottom I have 7 teeth. I know I am not a orthodontist but why is he wanting to take 1 more teeth from the left size? It will make it uneven (5 on top and 6 on bottom) shouldn%26#039;t they be equal 6 on top and 6 on bottom? The right size of my mouth will be 6 on top and bottom. If he takes all three teeth out that will leave me with only 23 teeth (not including wisdon teeth but hoping my wisdom teeth will stay in). Should be only need to take 2 teeth out from the left size of my mouth so it would be 12 teeth on top and bottom. People who have has braces and teeth taken out do you have an even amount of teeth on top and bottom? Is that normal or not?

Should I have three teeth pulled or only two?
I think you should do what he says he is a pro, however if you are unsure about it get a second opinion or ask him why he feels the need to take out the extra tooth. good luck.
Reply:I had 2 from top and 2 from bottom. I was recently told however, by an Orthodontist, that they very rarely do that anymore (pulling teeth). I would recommend getting a second opinion.
Reply:Do yourself a favour and have the lot out... And have a nice set of dentures... iv%26#039;e got dentures and nobody ever notices.. i feel realy confident in them... Go on have em out... bye bye
Reply:When I had teeth pulled years ago for braces, it was so that my teeth on top matched up to the ones on bottom. I think it%26#039;s odd to have different numbers of teeth on top and on bottom.

HOWEVER, now that I think about it, my brother had just one tooth removed, not two. But that%26#039;s because his mouth was totally missing just one eyetooth.
Reply:When I got my braces on (3 years ago) I had 2 teeth from bottom and 2 from the top.... all were symmetrical. In regards to the wisdom teeth, mine were compacted (hitting against my molars and going to move ALL the teeth in my mouth when they started to poke through), so if I never got the teeth pulled the braces might have been useless. I have had my braces off for a year now, my wisdom teeth have come through wth NO pain and NO damage to my perfectly straight %26amp; beautiful teeth!

I suggest getting the teeth pulled and if you are not understanding the ortho%26#039;s theory a second opinion would be best.

visual arts

Puppy teeth?

my 8 month old dog has really bad teeth. when i first got him at 4 1/2 months, my vet told me not to brush his teeth for the first year of his life. but 3 months ago he started getting really stinky breath %26amp; his k9 teeth began yellowing. he then got sick, %26amp; i thought his teeth played a factor. i e-mailed a pet website to see if he was old enough to take breath mints %26amp; told her i have never brushed his teeth before. she told me to start brushing his teeth immediately, %26amp; do so once or twice a week. at first it got better, but now its getting really bad; all of his teeth are yellow and his k9 teeth are reddish %26amp; i just noticed that one of them chipped in the left side of the tooth. i want to take him to the vet, but now i dont have any confidence in her knowlege of dogs. she claims shes been a vet for 7 years, but she seemed so wrong. im also worried my puppy will loose his teeth at such a young age. so should i take him back to the petsmart vet or scrap her? will my dog loose his teeth??

Puppy teeth?
A dog usually gets his canine teeth at about 6 months of age. are you sure he isn%26#039;t just losing his puppy teeth?

At three months of age, the deciduous teeth begin to be replaced by the permanent teeth. The replacement process begins with the incisors, and moves backwards through the canines, premolars and finally the molars. The turnover process is usually complete by the time the dog is eight months old, with none of the original 28 deciduous teeth remaining. Most deciduous teeth are swallowed with food and never seen by the pet owner. Occassionally a deciduous tooth is merely pushed to the side and retained next to the permanent tooth. Retained deciduous teeth can be removed by a veterinarian.

The incisors turn over from deciduous to permanent from two to four months of age. The canines usually convert around six months of age. The premolars and molars follow in that order, with the last permanent molar erupting around eight months of age.

The exact schedule does vary from breed to breed.

When teeth come out, a gingivitis may arise. Then a red edge can be seen over the gums.
Reply:This does not sound normal. I would find another vet or animal hospital. they do have dog dentists at the animal hospital.
Reply:he may have a gum/teeth infection. so they may/might fall out
Reply:Dogs tend to suffer from bad teeth. You need to brush the dog%26#039;s teeth regularly. If the dog%26#039;s teeth are as bad as you say they are you should bring it to another vet right away. Take it to a real vet%26#039;s office, not Petsmart. The vet can put the dog to sleep and give its teeth a really good cleaning. If any teeth are rotting, they may need to be pulled out. Are any of the teeth loose? If so, take it to the vet ASAP.
Reply:puppies shed some teeth is this what you r talking about? or does he have rotten teeth this may be from poor diet or he could just be teething if i was you i would just try ANOTHER vet because that one didnt give much help at all
Reply:Something isnt right. 8 month old puppies dont normally have oral problems....I would find another vet if you dont trust puppy needs to be seen
Reply:That is not normal. Although they lose their puppy teeth and brushing doesn%26#039;t do much permanent good at that time, it helps them get into the routing to start as young as possible. Definitely find a different vet that you feel confident around. Many vets do full teeth cleanings under anesthesia and you should be able to find one of them to take a look at the teeth. Chipped teeth should never be taken lightly...that one should be checked asap. Some breeds of dogs are notorious for bad teeth. My suggestion would be to first find a new vet for a second opinion and possible cleaning. If you%26#039;re keeping the dog, start a routine of brushing and/or mouth rinse daily!! I recommend (as do many vets) CET brand products, sold at vet clinics. They work really well. Remember...use only toothpaste/rinse for dogs, never human products!! Make sure your dog doesn%26#039;t have hard chew toys (real bones, for example...they%26#039;ll break his teeth) and watch him closely with products like nylabones and greenies. Many dogs have choked on those. By the;s never a good idea to buy dogs and cats from pet stores. Most are from puppy mills and have poor genetics/health.


Teeth bonding + not matching?

I had a tooth bonded and the color does not match the rest of my teeth. I went in to get it fixed, yet the tooth is still slightly yellowish in color. Dentist said that my tooth was too yellow and that the resin material used could not make the tooth any whiter since the tooth was way too yellow. Has this ever happend to anyone before, and if so, what alternatives did you take to make the tooth whiter since bonded teeth cannot be bleached, whitened, etc.? Did you end up getting veneers? My dentist suggested veneers. I am afraid that the veneer is unable to cover my %26quot;too yellow tooth%26quot; and make it match my other teeth which are much whiter than the bonded tooth. Also, once an enamel is shaved to put the veneer on, will the dentist have to continue to shave the enamel every time a veneer needs to be replaced? Any information would be helpful. Thank you!

Teeth bonding + not matching?
This is what I do in my practice.

First the patient gets their teeth bleached to bring the color up to where they want them to be overall.

Next, we do either a veneer or a full porcelain crown (if the tooth has been broken down) and match it to the new, whiter shade.

This is very predictable. Trying to match up shades with composite material when completely bonding a tooth that is yellow underneath can be tricky at best.
Reply:Your dentist needs to use the shade that matches all your teeth. He may not have the shade that matches all your teeth. That is why he is suggesting veneers.

If I were you, I would get a tooth whitening procedure done. So in the future, when the dentist provides the veneer that matches your teeth that are whiter, you wouldn%26#039;t have to be embarrassed by the yellow tooth color. The color would be even and your smile will not make you feel self-conscious.

If you are not satisfied, you are more than free to see a different dentist. There are so many out there.
Reply:go back to your dentist who did it %26amp; get it fixed.


Adult teeth grew over baby teeth?

I%26#039;m not sure how to describe which teeth i%26#039;m talking about. Not the the teeth directly next to the 2 front ones, but the teeth next to those. So the teeth that are 2 away from the front one%26#039;s. Anyway, my adult teeth teeth came in on these two teeth before my baby teeth had fallen out. One of my baby teeth fell out pretty soon after but the other one never fell out so the dentist had to pull it. My teeth have been this way for years but i%26#039;m worried that since the teeth did not grow in how they%26#039;re supposed to does that mean that they aren%26#039;t stable and will not last as long as they should?

Adult teeth grew over baby teeth?
well i am pretty sure that when you are older they should grow in, i hardly know what you are talking about but im thinking... should tell a doctor or something...cause it

could be VERY serious,

well i hope everything goes alright..

just take my advice..i think i know what you%26#039;r talking about..
Reply:my son had the same prob with one of his. after the baby tooth finally fell out th e adult one moved into position some. you might need braces but other than that you should be fine


My teeth are coming through the side of my gums?

I%26#039;ve always had tooth troubles, first no enamel on the milk molars, then once the molars had started to rot, they realised that on the bottom set of molars, there are no adult teeth underneath.

On one of my really badly rotten teeth, the root of the tooth came and started poking out through the side. We had an xray taken and they said that a piece of the root had broken off and was making it%26#039;s way out.

Now though, the whole side of the tooth right down to the root with the exception of a milimetre is pushed out and exposed.

They told me it was just trying to come out because an adult tooth wasn%26#039;t there to push it out.

Now though, on my top molars which are rotten due to no enamel, but which have adult teeth underneath, the root is starting to poke out again.


I clean them regularly, I had one pulled out but I was only under local and they didn%26#039;t wait for the numbing so it HURT. And now my dentist wants to leave it to the orthodontists...

My teeth are coming through the side of my gums?
You should go see a dentist! That is totally weird. That has happened to me but not like that!
Reply:To Stop The Pain,, You Can Take Some Ibuprofen, Advil? , Or Smear Some Anbesol, Or Orajel On It. =]
Reply:let me get all of this strait. So you have enamel hypoplasia on your primary teeth and no adult molars on the bottom right? First of all, your condition has nothing to do with my brushing your teeth or your oral hygiene at all. Second, it sounds like all your dentist needs to do is extact the root, and give you a set of implants or a bridge on the bottom where the teeth are going to be missing. Get rid of the milk teeth, remember, the bugs in cavities can attack your new teeth if your milk teeth are still in your mouth. Now, your dentist wants to leave this work to an orthodontist? Totally different field of dentistry, go see a new dentist. Hope this helps!!

pearl necklace

Teeth & Gums help?

Ok I am an idiot,in summer time I brush my teeth less.I have started brushing again,but i noticed some things.The highest parts of my 6 upper,closer to my lips teeth have a yellow covering,I hav%26#039;nt been able to brush it of yet.Those teeth and the 4 lower jaw teeth (closest to my lips),my gums have RECEDED? a little of my teeth(higher the upper teeth,lower for my lower teeth).Its more serius for my lower teeth (I THINK I CAN ALMOST SEE THE ROOT OF MY LOWER TEETH).I heard a while back that the gums will go back to normal if i take more care of my teeth,is this true?how long would it take? would there be any long term damage?plus how would I go about taking that upper layer of yellow stuff of ?one more thing,my upper %26quot;Bunny%26quot; teeth and the lower 4 %26quot;tictac%26quot; looking ones about have lines,is this normal?(not very noticable).WOW I wrote alot,sorry i have been freaking out about this for a while,by the way im 15 so its not like a 80 year old tooth problems.I%26#039;m new here,sry if I seem to naive

Teeth %26amp; Gums help?
You don%26#039;t seem naive. You should see a dentist. Plaque only takes about 12 hours to harden into tartar (AKA: calculus) and needs to be removed by a dentist or hygienist. It takes sharp steel instruments to remove it from your teeth, and cannot come off with any toothbrush known to man. Don%26#039;t worry about it. If it is tartar, it can be removed. If it is staining, it can be whitened with in office treatments or things like Crest White Strips. Good luck.


Gapped teeth smile?

Ok, so I had this thing where when my baby tooth --that was next to my left front tooth-- fell out, I was missing my adult tooth that should%26#039;ve grown in. Well, I never got braces so all my teeth started shifting of course b/c there was nothing to fill in that space. So now my %26quot;fang%26quot; tooth (is that what you call it?) is next to my left front tooth instead of the smaller tooth that should be next to it like it is on the right side of my front teeth. Anyway, I have this HUGE gap between my front to teeth, and very small gaps btwn my other teeth b.c of the shifting. Well, what should I do besides braces. I just want to know some other option b.c its not like I have all my teeth and I just have a gap, its like I am missing a tooth so all my teeth shifted so now theres a gap. Im 19 btw.

Gapped teeth smile?
I had a gap between my teeth and they gave me a retainer. It wasnt noticeable. Maybe just go to the dentist and see what your options are. I know they have Invisalign that is like braces but clear so you wouldnt have to have the wiring on your teeth. I hope this helps some.
Reply:Sounds like a case for some nice dental implants and/or Veneers. Good luck!

What Dental Implants Can Do?

*Replace one or more teeth without affecting bordering teeth.

*Support a bridge and eliminate the need for a removable partial denture.

*Provide support for a denture, making it more secure and comfortable.

Candidates for Porcelain Veneers:

Candidates for porcelain veneers should have strong, healthy teeth. People who fit this description and have the following imperfections may want to consider veneers:

*Stained or discolored teeth

*Irregularly shaped teeth

*Slightly misaligned teeth

*Small gaps between the teeth

*Chipped or worn teeth
Reply:get braces.
Reply:Getting braces will put the teeth you do have into the %26quot;right%26quot; order. You would then have a perfect smile (minus one tooth.)

Alternately, your dentist could shift it more, and give you a crooked sort of %26quot;witches%26quot; smile, where the gap is covered, but the teeth will all be slightly crooked, and therefore will have their corners pointed out, like a row of fangs.

The second choice, of just shifting teeth over is probably the easiest solution if you just want to chew better. Doing this is more common in the midwest for some reason.

The first choice is probably the better solution if you want to have a hollywood smile. This choice is more common in California, New York, Florida, and other rich areas. A lot of people with good teeth loose a tooth or two for some reason, so having even teeth with one missing is not so rare. Also, if you have any money left over from the braces, you can then look into some kind of false tooth.

Retainers with a false tooth are easy to get, and provided you don%26#039;t do too much to stain your teeth, the colors will match pretty well. Of course, retainers also get disgusting pretty easily unless you really care for them well.

It might also be possible to permanently attach a false tooth by making a %26quot;bridge,%26quot; where the false tooth is attached to the two teeth next to it.

Most likely, you would need to wear a retainer for some time after getting braces anyway, so a false tooth would be attached to that, and once you no longer needed the retainer, your teeth would have set in position properly so that a bridge could be safely installed.

Of course, this is dental work, and it will run you a pretty hefty bill, although certain occupations, such as most government work, and other high positions in the corporate ladder tend to include dental packages that would cover it.
Reply:Invest in a porcelain veneir.(SP)

performing arts

Wisdom Teeth dilemma?

Well I%26#039;m 18 and about 6 months ago my bottom left wisdom tooth started coming out and not too much later my bottom right wisdom tooth started to come out as well. To this day neither one of those tooth have completely erupted. One is half way there and the other is barely out (about a third). My top right wisdom tooth (my top left never did anything?) also came after about 2 weeks my bottoms first showed but it only took 3 days to fully grow in. So I%26#039;m sort of stumped on whats taking the bottom to so long. I experienced ABSOLUTELY NO pain with these wisdom teeth, my top wisdom tooth came in an i didn%26#039;t even notice it. My dentist says I should have all my wisdom teeth taken out not because they are impacted because they could potentially decay the back of my molars. I might take them out later but since its so much money and i have no insurance i was contemplating later. But back to my question. How long does it usually take a wisdom tooth to completely erupt?

Wisdom Teeth dilemma?
Many never completely erupt due to the angle of growth and the position in the jaw. Plan on getting them out by about age 25 or 26. That way, your jaw bone is still at it%26#039;s most flexible and you still heal well. It doesn%26#039;t sound like it%26#039;s urgent to get them removed.
Reply:My advise is to go and get a Pano xray done. This will show how the wisdom teeth are coming in. You need to have them extracted. They do no good... only cause trouble. They are hard to clean around and unless you have room for them they just cause trouble. I have seen people that have all 4 wisdome teeth and they keep them clean and have room for them. Just have all 4 pulled at once at once one healing time and it is really not that bad.
Reply:as per ur description, it seems ur bottom molar is impacted. but u need an xray to determine what sort of an impaction it is and whether it requires an extraction or just the jaw bone needs to be scraped off a bit. as far as the time required for eruption is concerned, wisdom teeth have to erupt within 18-21 years of age, they may be taking longer than a few months in ur case but an xray is definitely required to determine whether it is following the right path or is stuck up somewhere/against somethin(bone or adjacent tooth) ie, impacted. and u have to extremely careful about ur oral hygiene to prevent it from catchin caries.. preferably use a chlorhexidine mouthwash.

mortgage rate

Wisdom Teeth Question----please answer!!!?

I%26#039;ve had a tooth on my lower left side that%26#039;s hurt for the past 3 years. The first dentist I went to (the year it started) said my tooth was just sensitive. The second dentist (the one I went to today) said it was caused by my wisdom teeth and that I had to have them all pulled asap b/c it%26#039;s pushing into the tooth. I never told him which tooth it was and later realized he was talking about the tooth next to the wisdom tooth. That%26#039;s not the one hurting! The tooth that%26#039;s hurting is the second to last tooth (so it%26#039;s two away from my wisdom tooth). I don%26#039;t want to have my wisdom teeth taken out for nothing--PLUS the cost of it!!! My last dentist said nothing about my wisdom teeth AND, keep in mind, it%26#039;s hurt for 3 years with no change. I%26#039;m hoping a dentist can answer this for me. I don%26#039;t know if my wisdom teeth need pulling or not, but I honestly don%26#039;t think it%26#039;s causing the tooth pain. I%26#039;d hate to go through all the pain and cost for nothing--just so they can make a buck. Help?

Wisdom Teeth Question----please answer!!!?
seems as if the pain is nerve related. it is possible that your third molar could be impinging on the nerve of your first molar. dental xrays would be required to discern if this is the case or not. if your teeth aren%26#039;t crowding, you would most likely need a root canal to alleviate your problem.
Reply:1) I am not a dentist.

2) You should go to another dentist for a second opinion.

3) Having your wisdom teeth out doesn%26#039;t have cost a lot. I had all 4 of mine out with just Novocaine and gas. I fell asleep.

4) Not being in constant pain is worth more than the dentist will cost.
Reply:Most people had the wisdom teeth pulled, not enough room for them and they caused me a lot of problems. May be I%26#039;m wrong but I think you should get them pulled. Also if it%26#039;s not your wisdom and it%26#039;s not a cavity then you need a root canal
Reply:I went through this awhile back, you need to bring your XRays to an oral surgeon, which is a person who evaluates wisdom teeth 8 hrs. a day. The fact that the pain is 2 teeth over is of no consequence, wisdom teeth can cause crowding and the pain is just felt farther away.

That said, my story involved 3 specialists and my Dr. who finally did a CT scan and found that it was bad hidden Sinus Infection at fault.

Don%26#039;t suffer for years over a few bucks, it%26#039;s just not worth it, sorry about your pain.
Reply:The same thing has been happen with me and my identical twin sister. We%26#039;re 19 and our wisdom teeth has been hurting us for the past almost 8 years!!! Young, I know! My sister just had them takin%26#039; out and she feels sooooooo much better. If you don%26#039;t get them out, the root will grow into your second molars and the second molar will break off. They can also grown into your sinuses, just like my sister%26#039;s. So, if I were you, I%26#039;d get them pulled or surgically removed.
Reply:it could be the wisdom teeth growing up into your second to last tooth. my poor dad%26#039;s wisdom teeth roots had wrapped around his jaw before he got them out. ouch!

my dentist i had gone to forever (hated him too) said mine were fine and didn%26#039;t have to have them out, but i would get pain time to time. thats because they %26quot;grow%26quot; every 6-8 weeks, which could be the off-and-on pain you%26#039;re experiencing. i would go to an oral surgeon who can offer a more specialized opinion.

i had mine out in Oct. and am happy i did. it wasn%26#039;t that bad and as far as expense, i%26#039;ve paid much more for other procedures i%26#039;ve had to have.

good luck and feel better!



im getting braces next month but the dentist has says the tratment time will be 2 yearsish. does that mean 2 years braces and then the oporation or 2 years for braces and oporation????????

If there is a tooth they plan on pulling down, the surgery will be while you are in braces and they will try to bring the tooth down with a bracket. If the tooth is impossible to bring into the arch that can be taken out any time.

Treatment is normally about 2 years, and that is dependant on a few of your practices as well. If you do everything they tell you, you could be out of braces sooner than two years (ie: wearing rubberbands if needed, headgear if needed, brushing well regularly, not popping off a lot brackets or chewing gum or food that they tell you to avoid)

Best of luck
Reply:What operation????
Reply:2 years for braces and operation
Reply:i was just goin to ask myself what operation??

when i had my braces on i had them on for just over a year and a half top an bottom. just got my mould done then fitted my braces on..

i never had no op!
Reply:There%26#039;s no operation after getting braces, I don%26#039;t know what you mean......The only thing you have to do when you get your braces off is wear a retainer at night time. I had braces for 6 years.
Reply:Two years is a normal amount of time to have braces. I had my braces for two years and most of my friends had them for 2-3 years as well.

EDIT: I just read what you had added. They will probably pull the tooth BEFORE you get your braces on. But your best bet would be to ask your orthodontist or dentist. Good luck!
Reply:As per my knowledge once u get braces , there is no operation after that, braces will set ur teeth .

enjoy %26amp; keep smiling after putting ur braces

my bird


i got my braces off a month ago and have been wearin a retainer. the other day i think i bent it a little cause its sittin different in my month. it stills fits fine and everything but im woried it might not be doin its job. is this true?

I think you should consult your doctor, since i feel it is a a complicated matter, because if something goes wrong you teeth style will go wrong and if instead of being of perpendicular it goes inside you wont be looking as good as you look when the teeth are perpendicular/straight.


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How do you get your teth whiter.

You should be brushing at least two or three times a day. Ideally, you would want to brush your teeth within an hour of eating or drinking anything that may stain them.

Whitening Mouthwash

This is perhaps the easiest method. All you need to do is swish it around your mouth for about a minute. However, these are usually only effective if your teeth are only very mildly stained because the whitening agents are only on your teeth for a short amount of time.

Whitening Toothpaste

There are many brands out there on the market. Again, for mildly stained teeth you might see an effect. These are best used as stain prevention, rather than stain removal.

Paint On Bleach

These over-the-counter bleaching products look almost like nail polish. You simply “paint” your teeth with the bleach and let it sit. These have been shown to work on teeth that are not very badly stained. They can be somewhat messy, and you need to be sure not to miss parts of your teeth or they will be bleached unevenly. Also, some tooth sensitivity and gum discomfort is a common side effect.

Whitening Strips

Working under the same principles as the paint-on bleach, these strips have the whitening agent included right on them. You simply place the strips on your teeth, usually once or twice a day. These can work quite well. They typically cost anywhere from $20 to $50 dollars and your color change should last about a year. Again, you might experience some tooth pain or sensitivity or some pain in your gums from the solution. You should also be careful not to use the strips too often, as overbleaching of your teeth can cause them to look blue.

Bleaching Trays

Bleaching trays are given to you by a dentist. They are typically molded to fit your mouth which allows the bleaching agent to more effectively coat each tooth. They also contain a higher concentration of the bleaching agent, so you get a brighter smile quicker. However, you might notice more side effects and you will be required to make at least one trip to the dentist. This is an effective option though, and can be a good option if your teeth are more than mildly stained.

Home Remedies for Yellow Teeth

Rub the white part of an orange peel along your teeth.

Brush your teeth with baking soda.

Using a Q-Tip, dab hydrogen peroxide onto the surface of your teeth, being careful to avoid your gums or you might have irritation.

Strawberry pulp is supposed to have a natural bleaching effect, and it tastes better than baking soda.

Salt can be used to brush your teeth. You can also try mixing salt, baking soda and water together. But be careful, because the salt is very abrasive and could cause mouth pain and weakened enamel.

Rinse your mouth with a vinegar/water solution.

Reply:Brush regularly with whitening tooth paste, avoid caffeine, nicotine and staining foods and if its too stained already to respond to just the paste, whitening strips do work--but be careful. They can also eat your enamel if you%26#039;re not careful and overuse them. Good luck!
Reply:Crest White Strips. Cheap and easy to use. Also flossing and brushing daily will help destroy any plague or buildup that will lead to discolored teeth.
Reply:Crest Whitestrips!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:brush with good tooth paste and brush after every meal
Reply:The cheaper method for whitening teeth is to use baking soda. Dip your wet brush into it and get brushing. Do this as often as you can. Your teeth will no longer be discoloured. Cocoa
Reply:Only a Dentist can TRUELY get them white. The other methods are temporary and lame at best. Do it.
Reply:Well you can go to your dentist for bleaching, go to the store and purchase an at home whitening kit like Crest White Strips, or if you want a more home remedy type approach:

1.) Baking Soda - Baking soda can be used in 2 different ways:

a.) place a small amount of baking soda on a toothbrush, brush your teeth with it for a few minutes, and then follow up with regular toothpaste

b.) add a small amount of baking soda to a little bit of warm water and use it as a mouth rinse. after rinsing with it follow up with your toothpaste

2.) Salt - add a small amount of salt to a little bit of warm water and use it as a mouth rinse. after rinsing with it follow up with your toothpaste.

Hope this helps. :-)
Reply:Brush and floss twice a day! I use whiteners, but sparingly, as they make your teeth sensitive. Also, I see a dentist every six months, and I also scrape any plaque buildup myself in between visits.

I usually don%26#039;t get to see the dentist, just the hygienist, except to say that my wisdoms still haven%26#039;t grown out yet, and that he%26#039;s still not going to bother with them. If I haven%26#039;t gotten them yet, I probably won%26#039;t.

Brush with arm %26amp; hammer baking soda for as long as you feel is needed.

make sure to use your regular toothpaste with flouride in it, though!
Reply:well i have that problem to so u started to use three types of toothpaste at one time for me it kinda tastes good so i would get mint crest and bubblegum crest and a different type of mint and the whiteness wears of in like 5 or 6 days or i would recommend teeth whitening strips u leave them on for like 5 minutes or when u go to bed
Reply:Brush regularly. You can buy somethings from boots and superdrugs too.

my cat


how long after first orthodontal consult did you get your braces on? dont say it depends, i want ur experiences please

Mine was about 4 weeks. But they usally put %26quot;spacers%26quot; on first before braces so I bet spacers about two weeks. If you don%26#039;t know what spacers are they are little rubberband that go around your teeth they don%26#039;t look like braces at all. But I know you don%26#039;t want me to say it but yes it DOES depend!

Sorry my sista,

Emily L

family nanny


Do you think that dental treatment should be covered by the NHS because i bloody do. i DO NOT think that its fair that you only pay for one thing no matte rhow much treatment your having E.G

Person A having a filling pays £79.00

Person B haviing filling, extraction and cleaning pays £79.00 that is wrong.

Anyway, i also believe that if you want to be put asleep during treatment you should be you agree?

i think that we should have dental treatment on the nhs.

obviously we have to pay now and we have no choice.

i dont agree with paying one price for what ever you hvae done, thats crazy.

so if you look after your teeth and just want one small thing doing you pay the same as someone who take bad care of their teeth and they pay the same as you for a long list of treatment.

If you have to pay them pay for treatment given. its feels like a con.

yes also if you want to be put asleep you should be able to. it depends on whats been done and if you are a nervous person. been put asleep if you are a cagey type can help
Reply:Id love a set of platinum nashers on the nhs
Reply:i would go with the most non painful one but you wanna trust the dentist also so go for whatever you really want to do
Reply:Yea I do, I have the dentist today and the proices are not to bad but still have to pay for it.

I got a filling it cost about £12, I wanted a white filling and I was told nhs wouldnt cover it I would be charged about £75! no chance, so now I have a huge big silver filling!
Reply:i had a tooth extraction privatley and it cost me £149!!!!

rip off if you ask me, but the treatment was painless and i had the scratch and all i remember was going aggggggg as he pulled the tooth out and i spat blood all over the dentist apparently (made my day). but yes you are right NHS treatment should apply to all sides of medicine not just the cheapest!!!!!
Reply:Everyone deserves free medical. We certainly pay enough in the way of taxes to ensure that this is the case, regardless of what work is required. Consider how many billions are wasted (defence and wars, publicly funded holidays for politicians, etc.) to make this a moot point. As far as general anaesthetic is concerned - people die often enough for hospitals to get you to sign a legal indemnity/disclaimer form in case you do die. The risks are substantial, and that is the only reason why they don%26#039;t bother. It%26#039;s just not worth the risk of having you DIE for some dental work.
Reply:I think the whole argument for putting people under whilst having treatment should be laid to rest. When I was a dental nurse, which was a few years ago! (don%26#039;t worry, I am not one of those stuck up people who still think they know it all!), I had a few conversations about this and as my boss pointed out, he is a dentist, not a doctor and the risks were too high with regards to putting people under whilst in the chair. If something was to go wrong and an ambulance was needed, who could say the ambulance would turn up in time? Ok, the dentist is trained to a certain degree but they are not prepared for every eventuality. I do agree with you about the prices, extraction prices are ridiculous these days, but we have no choice. It seems as though every time the prices go up, it is like they are trying to match private prices and eventually, NHS dentistry will be gone and then no one will have a choice. Plus, dentists are leaning more and more towards working for a private dentist so it looks like either NHS dentists are going to disappear or the practises will, it is only a matter of time before one of them go.
Reply:I agree!!!

I need work done on my teeth but i cant afford it!!!! Its crazy!!!!!! Were always advised to make sure we visit the dentist regulalry- well sorry maybe if we didnt have to pay we could go!!!!!!!!!! Is an absolute joke but then again I dont know why we expect anything different in this country!!!

I was charged 50quid for a white filling- there was no way I was having a silver one so reluctantly I paid!!! I wasnt happy and havent been back since!!!!!!!!
Reply:Bill (Wales) you pranny, the rest of the NHS is free - so are you saying that everytime there is a car crash, you want the victims to pay for the hospital treatment? Or have a hip replacement? Or a cancer removed? Dear me.
Reply:Why should I pay taxes so you can keep YOUR teeth healthy?

Do I know you??? What have you EVER done for me???

Get a f*** job and stop complaining. You sponger!

my dog


Are there many people on here who are like me and don%26#039;t have any fillings. I%26#039;m nearly 30 and never had one.

I am 46 and had my first filling last year.

Got all my own teeth still......................!
Reply:i have nothing and im 21...
Reply:nope i have several and half my teeth are missing! lol
Reply:we all have good teeth
Reply:Does this mean that you don%26#039;t have any cavities or have not ever gotten them filled?
Reply:Lucky you!! when I was younger kinda had a habit of having to much sugary drinks and sweets and most of my baby teeth went rotting, but I learned my lesson and now take care of my adult teeth I have had about 2 or 3 fillings but that%26#039;s my lot.

Thank you!!
Reply:Lucky Girl.

My children are 29 and 31, they only have a couple.

I am 59 and still have all my own teeth which I think is more important than how many fillings I might have.

Dentist twice a year helps.
Reply:True story:my grandfather is 75,last week he was saying he has never been to the dentist in his life,his teeth are spot.but wait for it he had a fall the other day and knocked four teeth out very sad.
Reply:well, i guess you are either very lucky with your bone structure or really take a good care of your teeth :) well done, girl!

i%26#039;m crazy about proper cleaning and flossing and mouthwashing. and yet, have 2 fillings already... oh, am in the 25-to-30 box ;)



I have this one tooth that goes like down to the left when I%26#039;m smiling.It%26#039;s so annoying!!Would braces help straighten it??My parents don%26#039;t have money for braces though right now!!

Braces would fix it

Do your parents not have a dental health plan or something?
Reply:First you have to go to the dentist and ask what he/she would suggest. If the dentist recommends braces you should go to an orthodontist. And if your parents don%26#039;t have money for it, ask the dentist if they have any sort of dental plan your parents could work with.

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hi i was wondering can an adult premolar tooth grow under a baby molar but just by a bit


Nature is full of surprises, isn%26#039;t it?

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what do you think i should do, my baby tooth at the back fell out bit by bit and now a new one has grown in its place, but half of the old one is still there behind it.

it has suddenly gotten really wobbley i have yanked it and twisted it. it just won%26#039;t come out

what should i do to get it out

please no go to the dentist answers- been and he said keep wobbling (like that helps)

Try eating a extra chewy toffee or sweet similar or maybe fruit like an apple that may help if not wobble away!!!!
Reply:well other than having the dentist pull it out which if you want they should really do as your adult tooth is there then wobbling it is all you can do sorry x
Reply:how old are you? you seem a bit too old to have milk teeth, these ususally fall out by the age of 10!!

just leave it! it%26#039;ll come out when you eat something soft like weetabix or an apple!
Reply:My dad took a cloth and put it over his fingers to grip the tooth, then yanked. It happened so fast I didn%26#039;t notice and since someone else did it, I didn%26#039;t know when the yank was coming.

Either that, or just be patient with it....It will fall out.

Or, you could try chewing an apple and be careful NOT to swallow the tooth when it comes off.
Reply:If your dentist is suggesting you wobble it...then I suggest going to a new dentist.
Reply:Eat an apple, that usually does the trick lol!

When I had a tooth that was growing like over the old tooth, it just so happened I had a dentist check-up. She had to pull it out in case the new tooth would grow out sideways, so I think you should tell your dentist again =/
Reply:Tell your parents to pull it off with their finger or string. Or bite on an apple to see it%26#039;ll come off
Reply:hey, you like some tea and crumpets? wheres the lou? mum. a bit.
Reply:Stop wobbling your tooth so much, this will just cause soreness. Your permanent tooth will naturally push out your baby tooth. The tooth you are wobbling probably has no roots left on it and will fall out soon enough on its own. There are many adults still walking around with 1 or 2 baby teeth, don%26#039;t fret about it too much.
Reply:it will come out so dont worry the new one will push it but keep wobbling it

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I have had a cracked tooth which caused an absess . I have been dealing through the pain for about a year now so I was just wondering if there are any long term effects of not getting it treated. I would go to the dentist and get it fixed but unfortunatly not all of us are rich or have insurance. The tooth is already like basically gone

From Wikiepedia:

%26quot;An untreated severe tooth abscess may become large enough to perforate bone and extend into the soft tissue. From there it follows the path of least resistance. Largely dependent on the location of the infected tooth; the thickness of bone, muscle and fascia attachments, the infection then spreads either internally or externally.

External drainage may begin as a boil which bursts allowing pus drainage from the abscess, intraorally (usually through the gum) or extra orally. Chronic drainage will allow an epithelial lining to form in this communication to form a pus draining canal (fistula). Sometimes this type of drainage will immediately relieve some of the painful symptoms associated with the pressure.

Internal drainage is of more concern as growing infection makes space within the tissues surrounding the infection. Severe complications requiring immediate hospitalisation include Ludwig%26#039;s angina, which is a combination of growing infection and cellulitis which closes the airway space causing suffocation in extreme cases. Also infection can spread down the tissue spaces to the mediastinum which has significant consequences on the vital organs such as the heart. Another complication, usually from upper teeth, is a risk of septicaemia (infection of the blood), from connecting into blood vessels. Brain abscess, while extremely rare, is also a possibility.

Depending on the severity of the infection, the sufferer may feel only mildly ill, or may in extreme cases require hospital care.%26quot;

Obviously Wikipedia is not the final say on any medical issue, but this is all very serious. You may have to consider doing treatment through a payment plan or some sort of deal with a dentist. This could potentially be life threatening if not treated.
Reply:Have the tooth extracted, it%26#039;s causing you more problems than any benefit.
Reply:a year? go to the dentist. they love patients who pay cash. you can%26#039;t complain if you choose not to help yourself.
Reply:I heard it can get infected and you can get gum desease?

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